2015 - 2016

New Subjectivities

Juan Gurrea-Rumeu (2nd Year)

Post Farm

Farming is commonly associated with the natural world, but it is in fact responsible for a radical transformation of the environment and is a key player in global urbanisation. Today, industrial food worlds such as those seen in El Ejido and Mato Grosso threaten to take over the British countryside. In addition to the devastating effects of factory farming for the planet and its species, a main concern is the fate of the British landscape and its distinctive character. The proposal, Post Farm, is a machine in the garden that produces synthetic animal products in controlled laboratories, establishing a paradign shift in the way we relate to our food and the animals it comes from. This new technology allows us to save 99% of the landscape previously used for food production, generating possibilities for re-wilding and establishing new boundaries between the natural, pastoral and the technological.


Find out more about Juan’s topic with the research article ->

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