2015 - 2016
New Subjectivities
Umi Baden-Powell (1st Year)
The Liquid Institute

Learning to live with water: the liquid
institute is a new research institution that makes public the slippery systems
that govern living with water. The liquid institute will be founded as a
facility to explore water (both inland waterways and the surrounding “floodable”,
“unbuildable” land) as a new territory for affordable, self-build and social
housing. Blue spaces (inland waterways, canals and rivers, empty docks, wharfs
and floodplains) in the greater london are broadly, publicly owned and could be
made available for such housing developments.
As well overcoming the technological and political obstacles, it is
vital that the liquid institute fosters a new and positive architectural
language for living with water.
Find out more about Umi’s topic with the research article ->
Find out more about Umi’s topic with the research article ->
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